Shakespeare debate update
by Kathleen van Schaijik
Speaking (as Mr. Cascino does in this issue) of Shakespeare and religion, a recent article of Joseph Sobran’s on the subject adds this fascinating piece of evidence to his case for Oxford:
A few years ago an independent scholar named Roger Stritmatter found that Oxford’s personal copy of the Bible is heavily marked, and that hundreds of verses Oxford marked correspond to verses cited in the Shakespeare plays. For example, Oxford underlined the verse in which the shaft of Goliath’s spear is compared to “a weaver’s beam.” In The Merry Wives of Windsor, Sir John Falstaff boasts: “I fear not Goliath with a weaver’s beam.” Coincidence? If so, there are a hundred such coincidences pointing to Oxford.
No one could call it proof, but it is another little probability converging with the numberless others.