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abortion ↑
III,6: Bad attitudes toward childbearing contribute to the pro-abortion cause, Anne Schmiesing
IV,1: A most urgent work of mercy, Jeff Ziegler
about the concourse ↑
I,1: Why the Concourse; Why now?, the editors
I,7: Concluding remarks, the editors
II,2: The challenge of the Concourse: discussion without (much) contention, Kathleen van Schaijik
II,3: When old ideas are breaking up, Kathleen van Schaijik
III,1: What is the University Concourse?, Kathleen van Schaijik
III,6: A point of principle, Kathleen van Schaijik
ad hominem arguments ↑
I,5: Getting personal, the editors
anonymous articles & the concourse ↑
III,6: A point of policy, Kathleen van Schaijik
bioethics ↑
VIII,2: Biotechnology: what we don’t know tells us what we can’t do, John Henry Crosby
campus life ↑
II,6: The ivory tower of campus life, Justine Schmiesing
catholic culture ↑
I,4: Technology and Simplicity in Catholic Culture, Daniel Ellis
III,1: Where do we go from here?, Regis Martin
catholic education ↑
II,8: Fantasy and moral development, Kay Cummins
II,8: The complexity of schooling choices, Susan C. Fischer
III,5: Public schools and moral degeneracy, Martha L. Blandford
IV,3: More research, less religion: What’s wrong with modern universities, Kevin Schmiesing
catholics & the death penalty ↑
III,5: Should Catholics oppose the death penalty?, Noelle Hiester
III,6: Catholic teaching on capital punishment, Kathleen van Schaijik
charismatic & traditional spirituality ↑
II,1: Can charismatics and traditionalists peacefully coexist?, Kathleen van Schaijik
II,7: Confrontation and culture at Franciscan University, David Schmiesing
II,8: Traditionalists, charismatics and the liturgy, Adam Tate
II,9: Why tradition in the liturgy is so important to our religious life, Alice von Hildebrand
II,9: Charisms are traditional, Alicia Hernon
III,1: Filling out the meaning of the term ‘Charismatic’, Jim Weiner
III,3: Campus Spiritualities: Responding to charismatic critics, Adam Tate
III,3: Campus Spiritualities: Tongues in Scripture, Gerald E. Hatcher
IV,7: The importance of engaging questions about our campus culture, Mark Fischer
V,3: A match made in heaven, Carole Brown
V,4: Bringing the masses from starvation to full strength, Kathleen van Schaijik
V,4: Baptism in the Holy Spirit goes beyond the charisms, Ralph Sharafinski
V,4: Latin, Gregorian Chant, and the Spirit of Vatican II, Jeff Ziegler
V,4: Learning about the Eastern Rites, Michael Wrasman
V,4: Complimentary opponents of modernism, Michael Houser
V,4: What does ‘charismatic’ really mean?, Adam Tate
V,4: The blessings of both sides: a personal testimony, Sr. Jane M. Abeln, SMIC
VI,1: Reconsidering the term ‘Baptism in the Holy Spirit’, Scott Johnston
charismatic renewal ↑
VI,2: Reviving the renewal, Steve Kroeger
christianity & capitalism ↑
I,3: God and Caesar: Christianity in the marketplace, Michael Welker
I,6: God and Caesar, Stratford Caldecott
I,7: Capitalism (1), Stratford Caldecott
II,1: Capitalism (2), Martha L. Blandford
II,3: The downsides of capitalism, Regina Schmiedicke
II,5: Considering receptivity in rethinking economic structures, Nicholas J. Healy
II,5: Capitalism clarified, Martha L. Blandford
II,5: Et tu, Regina?, Michael Welker
II,6: Capitalism re-clarified, from a different perspective, Thomas E. Graham
II,6: Regina Schmiedicke defends the third way, Regina Schmiedicke
II,7: Capitalism: a response to Dr. Graham and Regina Schmiedicke, Martha L. Blandford
II,8: The moral role of government, Thomas E. Graham
computers ↑
IV,2: The Real Answer to ‘The Last Question:’ Limits to the power of computers, Edward G. Kovach
core curriculum ↑
I,1: Shouldn’t we have a real core curriculum at Franciscan University?, John F. Crosby
I,2: What is a ‘real’ Catholic education?, Kathleen van Schaijik
I,2: Core curriculum (1), R.J. Convery
I,2: Core curriculum (2), Jim Fox
I,3: Core curriculum (3), Katherine Kemmis
I,4: Core curriculum and anti-intellectualism, Adam Tate
I,5: Core curriculum and critical thinking, Joseph A. Loizzo
I,6: Core curriculum (4), Regis Martin
I,7: Making ‘the connection’: A Steubenville education, Regina Schmiedicke
I,7: A defense of a diversified core, Mark Fischer
II,1: In reply to Mark Fischer’s defense of the present core curriculum, John F. Crosby
II,2: More on the curriculum debate, Mark Fischer
II,3: Last words on the core, John F. Crosby
IV,4: What liberal educators may not omit, Regis Martin
IV,5: Dr. Martin does it again, Joanna K. M. Bratten
IV,5: FUS needs to get more practical about education, Peter Cole
IV,5: Why non-liberal majors need a liberal core, Susan C. Fischer
IV,6: The real purpose of liberal education, Ben Brown
IV,7: The will and the intellect are inseparable, Martha L. Blandford
IV,7: Preparing students to compete in the global economy, Peter Cole
IV,7: Education not limited to the mind, Susan C. Fischer
IV,7: According to the Tradition, education aims beyond the intellect, Matthew Fish
V,1: More on the aim of education: Ben Brown replies to his critics, Ben Brown
V,2: Preparing FUS graduates for the modern world, Jason Negri
V,3: Liberal arts and professional programs: a reply to Jason Negri, Ben Brown
V,3: Let’s improve our stats, Sofia Genato
V,3: The ideal of perfecting the mind is timeless, Michael Houser
V,3: Cultivating the intellect, Anne Schmiesing
V,5: The eternally practical liberal arts, Timothy J. Williams
V,5: Computers and liberal learning, Ben Brown
V,6: Liberal arts with professional training: the best of both worlds, Thomas E. Kelly
V,7: Education is not primarily about preparing to evangelize in the workplace, Ben Brown
V,7: The God gap in the workplaces of the world, Peter Cole
V,8: Arrogant idealism, Jason Negri
IV,7: Newman, education and context, Kathleen van Schaijik
corporate repentance ↑
II,4: Corporate Contrition: Repenting for the sins of two millenia, Mary Healy
II,5: Is corporate repentance really possible?, David Bradshaw
II,6: A reply on repentance, Mary Healy
courtship ↑
V,7: A Catholic critique of a current notion of courtship, Kathleen van Schaijik
V,8: Reforming our thinking about courtship and sexuality, William Craig
V,8: The influence of Puritanism, Jeff Zare
V,8: Thank you, thank you!, Catherine Egan
democracy ↑
I,5: Democracy: The voice of God or the madness of the mob?, Rebecca Bratten
I,6: Democracy, Kevin Schmiesing
I,7: The goodness of Democracy & the aristocratic response, Jim Fox
disarmament and the gospel ↑
III,6: The gospel and disarmament, Sr. Mary O'Connor
distance education ↑
III,2: FUS and distance education: Some doubts, John F. Crosby
III,2: FUS and distance education: At the threshold of a new missionary frontier, Stephen Miletic
III,3: Doubts about DE that won’t go away: Response to Dr. Miletic, John F. Crosby
III,3: FUS distance ed: a gift to the Church: A current student’s perspective, Richard W. May
III,3: Distance technology alone cannot provide a proper university education, Anne Schmiesing
III,3: How might we improve our education for both residents and DE students?, Nicholas J. Healy
III,4: Oral traditions and distance education, John F. Crosby
III,4: Distance Education: is it good enough?, Jim Fox
III,6: What is our mission, really?, Kathleen van Schaijik
distributism ↑
V,5: What is distributism?, Thomas Storck
V,6: (re)Distributism (re)Considered, Joseph Zoric
V,6: Towards a humane economy: a reply to Thomas Storck, Philip Harold
V,7: The good of distributism: a reply to critics, Thomas Storck
V,7: Inner life of society determines value of economic systems, Daniel Ellis
V,8: Distributism or the Free Economy?, Kevin Schmiesing
V,8: A personalist point regarding economics, Philip Harold
VI,1: Distributism, state power and papal teachings, Thomas Storck
VI,1: The legitimacy of wealth, Genevieve Belland
VI,2: A different interpretation of the social encyclicals, David Schmiesing
VI,2: Broadening the Distributism Discussion, Philip Harold
VII,1: The economic role of the medieval guilds, Thomas Storck
VIII,1: Social credit: a distributist reform of the financial system, Oliver Heydorn
VIII,2: The unfeasibility of the Social Credit solution, Gabriel Martinez
VIII,2: Social Credit is no alternative, Joseph Zoric
VIII,2: Kudos to Heydorn, Thomas Storck
V,8: Beware of economic Puritanism, Kathleen van Schaijik
eastern christianity ↑
VI,1: The importance of understanding Eastern Christianity, Anthony T. Dragani
VI,2: Thanks for the words about Eastern Christianity, Katherine E.M. DeLine
VI,2: Eastern Christianity and Western Liturgical Reform, Adam Tate
ecumenism ↑
I,1: ‘Preach Out’ beats out prejudice, Katherine E.M. DeLine
egoism and st. thomas ↑
V,8: Is St. Thomas’s thought egoistical?, Patrick Lee
eucharistic ministers ↑
II,7: Lay ministers of the Eucharist are supposed to be ‘extraordinary’, Noelle Hiester
II,8: On Catholic charity or tolerance, Fr. Giles Dimmock
II,8: When zeal for orthodoxy overcomes charity, Alicia Hernon
II,9: In defense of Noelle Hiester, Cat Clark
III,4: Roma locuta est, causa finita est: the end of a Concourse debate, Jeff Ziegler
III,5: Little hope for change, Noel S. McFerran
III,5: Different degrees of authority, Kathleen van Schaijik
III,6: A suggestion regarding Extraordinary Ministers, Kathleen van Schaijik
euthanasia ↑
I,4: When judges play king: Suicide becomes a Constitutional right, Mark Fischer
evolution ↑
IV,5: What should Catholics think of evolution?, Michael Healy
IV,5: A closer look at evolution, Benjamin J. Brown
III,6: Evolution, Kathleen van Schaijik
ezzo parenting method ↑
III,6: The link between contraception and the Ezzo parenting method, Dan and Kay Cummins
V,3: Balance in parenting methods, Butch Kinerney
feminism & masculinism ↑
II,3: The persistence of ‘masculinism’ at Franciscan University, Elizabeth Magaletta
II,4: Grasping at Receptivity, the PhenTom of Franciscan University
II,5: Sexism in any form denigrates both men and women, Michael Healy
II,6: Elizabeth Magaletta replies to Michael Healy on Feminism, Elizabeth Magaletta
II,7: A reply on feminism and masculinism, Michael Healy
fus & the surrounding culture ↑
I,3: Orthodox not paradox, Kathleen van Schaijik
I,4: How does a university evangelize?, Kathleen van Schaijik
IV,1: JPII to FUS: Do not be afraid to listen to the surrounding culture, John F. Crosby
grade-worship ↑
V,7: Idol worship of the ‘A’ and the student/professor relationship, Ronda Chervin
grand prize winners ↑
I,7: The first annual Concourse Grand Prize, the editors
II,9: Winner of the second annual Concourse Grand Prize, the editors
III,6: Winner of the third annual Concourse Grand Prize, the editors
IV,7: Prize announcements, the editors
V,8: Prize announcements, the editors
great lives ↑
III,1: R.I.P. A tribute to some great lives, Joanna K. M. Bratten
grunge & culture ↑
I,7: God and Grunge at Franciscan University, Nicholas J. Healy
II,1: God and grunge revisited, Richard Fougerousse
homeschooling ↑
II,7: To homeschool or not to homeschool, Joanna K. M. Bratten
hope heaven and hell ↑
II,9: On hope, heaven and hell, Nick Jr. Healy
households ↑
III,1: How not to help households, Kathleen van Schaijik
III,2: About households (1), Catherine Blum
III,2: An outsider’s perspective on the household problem, Matt McGuiness
III,2: About households (2), Gregory M.A. Gronbacher
III,2: An alum’s perspective on households, Christopher P. Wright
III,3: Silence betokens ... What?, Kathleen van Schaijik
III,5: What were households meant to be?, Kathleen van Schaijik
III,6: A thought about what might be behind the household problem, Martha L. Blandford
III,6: Student Life’s image tarnished by failure to respond to criticism, Susan C. Fischer
III,6: A final thought on the household issue, Kathleen van Schaijik
in loco parentis ↑
IV,6: ‘In loco parentis’: invasions of privacy or moral formation?, Joanna K. M. Bratten
V,2: Brief comments on two of last semester’s articles, Alice von Hildebrand
IV,7: Of private and collegiate morality, Kathleen van Schaijik
judging ↑
VI,1: The evil of exorcising judgement, Kathleen van Schaijik
labor unions ↑
V,1: The problem of unjust conditions in Catholic organizations, Regina Schmiedicke
V,2: Response to ‘The problem of unjust conditions in Catholic organizations.’, Kevin Schmiesing
V,2: The danger of over-generalizing a few instances of injustice, Michael Welker
V,2: A key difference between ‘Church work’ and regular ‘work’, Peter Cole
V,6: Clarifying some points on unfair labor practices, Michael Welker
leadership programs ↑
V,1: The value of leadership development seminars, David Schmiesing
IV,7: How to become a leader, Kathleen van Schaijik
liturgical dancing ↑
II,1: Dance has no place in Liturgical context, Amanda Glass
II,4: Dancing for God, Kay Cummins
II,5: Did they dance at the crucifixion?, Andrew L. Bloomfield
liturgical music ↑
I,6: Apologia pro disputatione musica, the editors
I,6: Liturgical music at FUS: A call to reform the present style, Joanna K. M. Bratten
I,6: Liturgical music at FUS: Some points in defense of the present style, Regina Schmiedicke
I,7: Keeping our worship in step with ‘what the Spirit is saying’ to FUS, Kathleen van Schaijik
I,7: Liturgical music, Fr. Daniel Pattee
IV,6: A growing thirst for traditional liturgy, Anthony T. Dragani
liturgical reform ↑
VII,1: A plea for the promotion of the Tridentine Rite, Michael Houser
VIII,2: Liturgical reforms were valid, but defective, Michael Houser
masculinity and femininity ↑
VII,1: The mysterious difference between the sexes., Scott Johnston
modesty ↑
IV,4: Modesty and beauty - the lost connection, Regina Schmiedicke
IV,5: A different perspective on the modesty question, Kathleen van Schaijik
IV,6: Noticing the attractiveness of modesty among FUS women, Justine Schmiesing
IV,6: Another thought on modesty, John F. Crosby
mothers & higher education ↑
II,2: How higher education pays off for full time mothers, Susan Fischer
nfp ↑
I,1: NFP, by itself, does not compromise the marriage vocation, Kathleen van Schaijik
I,2: NFP (2), Susan C. Fischer
I,4: NFP and connaturality, Kathleen van Schaijik
I,6: NFP and breastfeeding, Daniel Ellis
VII,1: Abusing NFP, Kathleen van Schaijik
VIII,1: Marriage and the use of Natural Family Planning, Thomas Storck
VIII,1: Beware laxism, John F. Crosby
VIII,1: NFP and peace of mind, TG
VIII,1: The logic of love, Michael Houser
no shame in success ↑
III,1: No shame in success, Jason Negri
III,2: About secular vocations, Myriah Christine
opus dei at fus ↑
I,1: What is Opus Dei, and what role does it play at Franciscan University?, Richard Gordon
philosophy ↑
VI,1: Philosophy department at FUS needs a better theological base, Steve Kellmeyer
VI,2: The nature and autonomy of philosophy, John Henry Crosby
VI,2: Reflections on the last issue, Michael Healy
VI,2: How we should imitate St. Thomas in our philosophizing, Scott Johnston
VI,2: Overbearing theology emasculates philosophy, Oliver Heydorn
physics & god ↑
IV,7: A prize winning physicist out of his depth, Kathleen van Schaijik
pluralism and orthodoxy ↑
IV,1: Pluralism and orthodoxy, Joanna K. M. Bratten
IV,2: Charity requires us to proclaim the fullness of Truth, Alice von Hildebrand
IV,3: A wake-up call regarding the judicial usurpation of politics, Michael Peck
IV,3: A proper pluralism: balancing the truth with freedom of conscience, Omar F.A. Gutierrez
IV,4: The arrogance complex, Alice von Hildebrand
poetry ↑
I,3: Ode to Heidegger, Bill Marra
politics of the list ↑
II,5: Trumpeting all the right views will not solve the crisis facing America, Mark Fischer
polygamy ↑
II,2: Polygamy, the Natural Law and St. Thomas, Michael Waldstein
II,2: Polygamy and name calling, Jeff Ziegler
II,3: Polygamy in natural law, Eric M. Weldon
II,3: Polygamy and secular concepts, David Bradshaw
II,4: Objections from an etymologist, John R. Holmes
positive psychology ↑
IV,7: A positive psychology, Kathleen van Schaijik
possibility of space aliens ↑
II,5: The Catholic Church and the Little Green Man, Justine Schmiesing
II,6: Can E.T.‘s be? Do they fit in with the O.T. and the N.T.?, John R. Holmes
III,5: How hobbits and company might really exist, Michael Healy
III,6: They’re ba-a-ack, Justine Schmiesing
IV,3: Some follow-up remarks on the Tolkien discussion, Michael Healy
professionalism ↑
IV,7: Professionalism—primary or secondary?, Susan Hunt
public discourse ↑
IV,7: The Nature, Purpose and Value of Public Discourse, Franciscan University Student Forum
response to soldiers ↑
IV,1: The reality of war and our proper response, Tony Flood
rock music ↑
I,2: The ‘role’ of rock: Beauty and truth in the not so fine arts, Mark Fischer
I,3: What is a responsible appraisal of rock?, Andrew L. Minto
I,3: Rock music: A response to Andrew Minto, Mark Fischer
I,4: Rock music and Catholic culture, Michael H. Smith
I,5: Rock music, Cynthia and Michael Welker
I,6: Providentialism and rock music, Alice von Hildebrand
II,1: Ride on, King Jesus: The blessing of ‘black’ music, Mark Schultz
sex scandal in the church ↑
VII,1: A new kind of scandal, Mark Fischer
VII,1: It’s not the Vatican, it’s the laity, Kathleen van Schaijik
shakespeare ↑
V,1: Why I reject the Shakespearean ‘heresies’, Robert Englert
V,2: What matters the identity or the sexual orientation of ‘Shakespeare’?, Joanna K. M. Bratten
V,3: The ‘Stratford man’ and the Shakespearean canon: no match at all, Kathleen van Schaijik
V,3: Literary works not severed from their human source, Justine Schmiesing
V,6: The Shakespeare issue: a response from a literature student, John Doman
V,6: Kathleen van Schaijik replies to John Doman on Shakespeare, Kathleen van Schaijik
V,8: Shakespeare and the Catholic question, Glen Cascino
III,6: What if Shakspere wasn’t Shakespeare?, Kathleen van Schaijik
IV,7: Oxford gaining on Shakspere, Kathleen van Schaijik
V,8: Shakespeare debate update, Kathleen van Schaijik
sports & scholarship at fus ↑
II,2: A plea from a Frisbee lover, Maria Ellis
II,2: Sports at Franciscan University, Ivan Ortiz
II,3: Scholarship at Franciscan University, Mary McElwee
st. thomas & catholic philosophy ↑
I,1: To Systematize or not to Systematize: Philosophy at a Catholic University, Rebecca Bratten
I,2: Why the Church gives St. Thomas primacy of place in Catholic education, Edy Morel de la Prada
I,4: St. Thomas and freedom: a reply to Richard Gordon, Edy Morel de la Prada
I,4: St. Thomas and Catholic connaturality, Michael Waldstein
I,5: Thomism and intellectual freedom, Kathleen van Schaijik
I,6: Thomism, Courtney Scharfe
I,7: A respectful reply to Dr. Crosby, Edy Morel de la Prada
I,7: Finding common ground between Thomists and non-Thomists in Catholic philosophy, John F. Crosby
II,3: On dwarfs, giants and little boys, Jules van Schaijik
II,4: Why the little boy is more apt than the dwarf, Richard W. Cross
II,5: Thomas not just a doctor, but a saint, Jim Fox
studiousness ↑
V,5: On the virtue of studiousness, Michael J. Healy
submission of wife to husband ↑
III,6: The Challenge of Ephesians 5:21-33, Alicia Hernon
swearing until death ↑
IV,1: Love Never Leaves, Kathleen van Schaijik
tension ↑
II,8: The blessings of tension, Patricia Maher
the arts ↑
I,2: Wherefore fine arts?, Joanna K. M. Bratten
I,2: The Aesthetics of Architecture, Mary McElwee
the creed and the real presence ↑
III,1: A question to ponder, Cathy I. Maxim
III,3: Absence of the Real Presence, Mary Healy
the need to change pro-life rethoric ↑
II,3: Changing the rhetoric in the abortion debate, Irene M. Lagan
thumbs down for the concourse ↑
II,3: Disappointed with the Concourse, Steven J. Brust
thumbs up for the concourse ↑
I,2: Commendations (1), Charles Fischer
I,2: Commendations (2), Regis Martin
I,3: Commendations (3), Christopher P. Wright
I,4: Commendations and comments (1), Christine Boyle
I,5: Commendations (4), Thomas Howard
I,5: Commendations (5), Becky Faraj
I,5: Commendations (6), Elizabeth Brown
I,7: Commendations and comments (2), Albert Faraj
I,7: Commendations and comments (3), Nina Kay
II,1: Subscription renewal, Daniel Ellis
II,1: A thank you note, Regis Martin
II,3: Thanks for discomfort, Judith Bratten
II,9: Renewed commendations, Christopher P. Wright
III,2: Commendations (7), Ruth Ann Stearns
III,5: Thank you, Jim and Meg Beckman
IV,1: Compliments from a reader, Joe Griesemer
IV,1: More compliments, Robert Thomas
IV,3: Enjoying the concourse, Magree Magree
time travel ↑
VII,1: Time travel: is it the future or is it fantasy?, Ben Brown
VIII,1: On the (Im)possibility of time travel, Patrick Toner
tolkien ↑
VII,1: ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’: the film is not the book., Jason Negri
VIII,1: Hobbits and Hogwarts, Ben Brown
two orders of goodness ↑
III,3: The abysmal difference between two orders of goodness, Alice von Hildebrand
women and politics ↑
VI,1: Women and politics: Do they mix?, Susan C. Fischer
y2k ↑
IV,4: Many projections of Y2K disasters are based on fear and hype, Edward G. Kovach