A suggestion regarding Extraordinary Ministers
by Kathleen van Schaijik
Regarding the new Vatican instruction on the liturgy, calling for the elimination of “the habitual use of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion” at Mass, the Christ the King Chapel administration says, “The Bishop’s office has advised us to continue our present practice while these new directives are under study and evaluation…”
Now, I can well understand that a bishop would want to be very sure of exactly what’s being required before he imposes sudden changes in ordinary parishes, where few members are very sharply tuned to the Vatican, and where there is likely to be some resistance—particularly if the changes involve restrictions on the role of laymen at Mass. But the situation is very different on our campus. We positively delight in doing the will of Rome! We shudder at the thought of not doing it.
I have an idea. What if we were to say to the bishop: “Your Excellency, our university has built a con-siderable reputation on its against-the-cultural-tide submission to the authority of Rome. Not only is our congregation more than willing to comply with papal instructions, they are scandalized and even disturbed in conscience by any seeming reluctance on our part to submit. Would you mind if, while this document is being studied, we adjust our practice to suit its first-face meaning,in order not to put stumbling blocks in the way of our faithful?”
I bet he wouldn’t.