by Kathleen van Schaijik
My heartfelt thanks to our worthy advisers, and to all those who contributed to our discussions by writing articles this year. And also to John, Johnny, Christen and Danny Fischer, who helped with collation, as well as to the Forum students who handled distribution.
Friends of the Concourse owe more than they know to local editors Susan Fischer and Ben Brown. Had they not joined us mid-year, and contributed so much time, talent and enthusiasm to our cause, this would most certainly have been the Concourse‘s last semester.
But now, thanks to them, plus the endless heroism of Justine Schmiesing, and the steady supportiveness of David Schmiesing, Mark Fischer (brother-in-law, not husband of Susan—well, husband of Susan too, but a different Susan from our Susan) as well as my husband Jules, we will carry on, and please God, be back better than ever next year
Till then, stay under the Mercy.